How to Keep Active While You Work

In the workplace many of us spend countless hours seated at our desks, often forgetting to take the necessary breaks or move around. While we might get lost in our work, the effects of prolonged sitting are well-documented: it can lead to decreased energy levels, poor posture, and even long-term health issues. But what if there was a way to stay active without having to leave your desk? Enter the Work Bike—a revolutionary solution for those who struggle to take breaks or fit exercise into their busy workweek.

  1. The Need for Movement in the Workplace

It’s no secret that regular movement is essential for maintaining both physical and mental health. However, in the hustle and bustle of the workday, it can be challenging to find time to step away from the computer. Many employees experience long periods of inactivity, leading to stiffness, discomfort, and decreased productivity. Studies have shown that taking regular breaks and incorporating physical activity into your routine can significantly improve focus, reduce stress and boost overall well-being.

Unfortunately, the traditional office environment isn’t always conducive to movement. Between back-to-back meetings, tight deadlines, and the pressures of getting things done, it’s easy to see why so many people remain glued to their seats. This is where the Work Bike comes in—a simple yet effective way to keep moving without disrupting your workflow.

  1. Introducing the Work Bike: Your Solution for Staying Active at Work

The Work Bike is designed to help you stay active while you work, offering a low-impact exercise option that fits seamlessly into your daily routine. The Work Bike is compact and designed for use while seated, making it perfect to use with a sit stand desk or as a stand alone item as an alternative model comes with a small desk incorporated into the unit. You can pedal gently while reading a document, typing a report or even while brainstorming your next big idea.

The beauty of the Work Bike lies in its simplicity and versatility. It allows you to incorporate movement into your day without having to step away from your tasks. Whether you’re looking to burn a few extra calories, improve your circulation, or simply break up the monotony of sitting, the Work Bike is an excellent addition to your workspace.

  1. Benefits of Using the Work Bike

The Work Bike isn’t just about staying active; it’s about enhancing your overall work experience. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Improved Focus and Productivity: Light exercise has been shown to increase blood flow to the brain, improving concentration and cognitive function. With the Work Bike, you can pedal away while staying sharp and focused on your tasks.
  • Enhanced Wellbeing: Regular movement, even at low intensity, can reduce stress and boost your mood. The Work Bike provides an easy way to incorporate these benefits into your workday, helping you feel better both mentally and physically.
  • Better Posture and Ergonomics: Sitting for long periods can lead to poor posture and discomfort. The gentle movement from the Work Bike can help to encourage better posture and reduces the risk of developing stiffness or soreness.
  • Convenient and Time-Efficient: For those who struggle to find time for exercise, the Work Bike offers a convenient solution. You can stay active without having to carve out additional time in your busy schedule, making it easier to meet your fitness goals.
  • Team Wellness Activity: You may be running a Wellness at Work programme and if you have multiple bikes, teams can take turns in peddling over a period of time to boost your steps.  Time to get competitive!
  1. Making Movement a Part of Your Work Routine

Incorporating the Work Bike into your daily routine is easy and doesn’t require a complete overhaul of your work habits. Start by setting small goals, such as pedalling for 10-15 minutes every hour, or using the Work Bike during a lunch break or a webinar. Over time, you’ll find that these small bursts of activity can add up, making a significant difference in how you feel throughout the day.

Pair the Work Bike with other healthy habits, such as taking short walking breaks, stretching at your desk, and staying hydrated. Together, these practices can help you create a balanced and active work environment, leading to improved health, productivity and overall job satisfaction.


Staying active at work doesn’t have to be a challenge. With the Work Bike, you can easily incorporate low-impact exercise into your daily routine, helping you stay healthy, energised and productive. It’s a simple yet powerful tool for those who want to make movement a part of their workday without sacrificing their time or focus. So, why wait? Take the first step towards a healthier work life with the Work Bike.  Get in touch with the team at Quills Interiors to request a brochure or learn more!